Saturday, March 22, 2014

God's Not Dead Review

Born again Christians will love this movie because it is filled with the truth; atheists will hate it for the same reason.

With mendacious movies like Noah in theaters it is of great delight that we have biblical truth in God's Not Dead. There is no clouding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this film. This is always offensive to those who have not accepted God's gift of salvation yet, and clearly displayed in the multitude of hateful reviews online. In my believer-biased opinion, I think both sides of the argument are represented, and am grateful for the apologetics review. The acting in this movie is commendable, as is the production quality, which is usually the first thing ridiculed in Christian films. I highly recommend every Christian buy a ticket and support this filmmaker's effort before it departs from the theaters. In return not only will your heart be lifted, but your spirit will be renewed to reach unbelievers. I'm afraid for them it is not long until they become very much aware that God is indeed alive. 

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